Sunday, February 24, 2013

712 things to draw pt 3.

annnd another update :D whoohooo
pages 39 to 55
enjoy it and leave comments if you must.~ ♥
also you can like my facebook artist page to get the most recent updates : facebook page <- br="">
Here's the sketchdump~

part 1part 2part 4part 5part 6part 7part 8part 9part 10

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

712 things to draw p.2

So the follow up of the challenge, Im still not very far in the book, I did get lazy/didnt get any inspiration much on a few entries, Ill double the effort :)
so, here is p. 25 to 38 :D

Part 1 ,part 3part 4part 5part 6part 7part 8part 9part 10