Well sorry for the lack of update seem life doesnt want to let go of me and always put me under a shitload of stuff :)
Im not dead, Im still drawing, tho I can't post
much untill the contract is finished but if you go see Im working on some art for La page a melko
r new layout that's going to be released this f
all. But every week there is new art that is released so see the millions of robots here for your pleas
moving on with the stuff, Im now fully moved in
, in that amazing appt downtown montreal (like
more downtown than that its almost imposible) and
amazingly with my super green back alley it sm
ell and feel like country-side town 8D it makes me
super happy :D
also in the meelee that was my moving out, I succ
eded at loosing an important wire... that is my sc
anner wire D:
so instead of ordering one and waiting even more and
so instead of ordering one and waiting even more and
pay 20$ for a friggin wire.. I just bought a brand ne
scanner/printer... YAY..
so now let me shower you with some ARTEH
first series is an idea that poped up at 3am in a s
tressed sleepless night :D My best friend is writting the story that goes with it, I just threw s
ome idea on paper randomly and here's what you get :

also during a little walk on mont-royale I saw a renaud-bray sale thingny got myself a new sketch book with art cover of adolie day :3 and i
t was only 10$ and I was out of normal sketchbooks (tiny ones are tineyyy)

I also stated a tumblr :D
yup yup
it can be followed here : http://pakouiisinsane.tumblr.com/
annndd also, the internet connextion in mu room is the ugliest thing ever done.. you have no idea how infuriating this is.. it took me 5h to update this blog.. like srly.. its deadly.. if I had a knive.. somone would have died// >(